%dockercontainer<TAB>attach--Attachtoarunningcontainercommit--Createanewimagefromacontainer's changescp -- Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystemcreate -- Create a new containerdiff -- Inspect changes on a container'sfilesystemexec--Runacommandinarunningcontainerexport -- Export a container's filesystem as a tar archiveinspect -- Display detailed information on one or more containerskill -- Kill one or more running containerslogs -- Fetch the logs of a containerls -- List containerspause -- Pause all processes within one or more containersport -- List port mappings or a specific mapping for the containerprune -- Remove all stopped containersrename -- Rename a containerrestart -- Restart one or more containersrm -- Remove one or more containersrun -- Run a command in a new containerstart -- Start one or more stopped containersstats -- Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statisticsstop -- Stop one or more running containerstop -- Display the running processes of a containerunpause -- Unpause all processes within one or more containersupdate -- Update configuration of one or more containerswait -- Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes